So cheap still KPKB
>> Sunday, September 03, 2006
Everyone is waiting for Jay's new album.
And I found out that CDs in China costs around 32 RMB.
Unsure of how much that costs in Singapore, i did a currency check.
And to my surprise, its just freaking S$6.50!!
Considering that in Singapore, we pay $20 for an original cd, which can buy us 3 CDs in China (albeit low quality)
Despite CDs being so cheap, the people are still complaining about prices.
Ok, this is not a good example.. It just seem weird to have someone complaining about CD pricing when it is already so cheap. >(
And ironically, music piracy is most rife in nowhere but China. You can easily get cheaper (how much cheaper then will the Chinese be satisfied?) pirated cds in China, or you can just download it for free (nothing is cheaper than free) on the internet.
People are just never satisfied.