>> Sunday, October 15, 2006
Yutse tagged me. This is fun. :)
1. Think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself. And they've gotta be true.
2. Come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of believability.
3. Jumble them all up together and list them in any order.
4. Post them on your blog and let people guess which the five false ones are!
5. Get 5 others to do the same
1 I was a premature baby and weighed 1.4kg at birth. I spent 9 months in hospital before my mother took me home.
2 As a revenge, I pulled down the shorts of one of my classmate in Kindergarten. He cried.
3 As a revenge, I pulled down the shorts of one of my classmate in Primary School. He cried. (Eh?)
4 I participated in National Chinese Story Telling competitions twice in Primary School. I won third once. =D
5 I hated taking photos as a kid and cried like hell when my passport photo was to be taken. I still have that photo.
6 I have never kissed a girl on any part of the face (or body) before, out of love.
7 I had my first wet dream (or,.. Nocturnal Emission) during secondary school. (HAHAHA)
8 I went on stage in Primary School for attaining a commendable PSLE aggregate score of 272 (zai leh!)
9 My mother was disappointed when i was borne a boy. I have two elder brothers.
10 I love red/green bean soup. I love it so much, when I was 7, I drank so many bowls of it that I was sent to hospital for food poisoning.
11 I stole my classmate's eraser and other stationaries before in pri school, for a couple of times.
12 I tried to overtake my neighbour on 4-wheels bicycles at the corridor when I was a kid. In the end, I fell and hit the bonzai racks and my head kept bleeding. My mother bathed me and brought me to hospital. I did not cry throughout.
13 My first favourite singer was Fann Wong. Influenced by my brother...
14 I used a pen knife to slice my palm when I was a kid, and it was all bloody, despite my father's warning.
15 I chatted on phone with a girl once in pri sch, till 3am in the middle of the night.
16 I was slapped by my teacher before in primary school.
17 I did not go to a nursery.
18 My mother wanted to bring me for piano lessons when I was a kid. But I cried non-stop at the classroom when I heard the sounds of the pianos. I hated musical instruments since.
19 I have a collection of teddy bears. All of them have names. I can make them walk and talk.
20 My balls are small. o.0
Whoever gets all 5 right at first guess, I treat you drink.