start mugging
>> Monday, May 28, 2007
Writing our own testimonial is so wrong. A testimonial is supposed to be written by someone who knows you and seriously wants to testify your achievements.
Now everyone become so 'humble' writing their own good deeds and all the awards they received. Say we have integrity, teamwork, communication skills, determination, blah blah, because I did this I did that. I believe one should feel guilty writing their OWN achievements.
All the good traits are showcased, while the shortcomings are tactfully hidden away.
It was so hard trying to give concrete evidence and instances when we displayed the good characteristics. Because someone with a good personality can only be testified by someone who is close to him/her and not quantified by their acts and contributions.
Not because you did 100 hours of CIP, not because you are in Council, not because you organised school events, not because you got 4As, not because you got gold or champion for your team.
How can anybody measure someone with a piece of paper?
But thats reality.
The world is so fake. Everyone is a hypocrite somehow. Thats why be smart, think before you believe what other people says.
On the other hand, recently i have been thinking, instead of telling people "we got 4th", how much nicer it would have been if we could say "we got 3rd (or 2nd (or 1st))", which sounds so much better.
Then i think there is nothing we can do now anyway. We should be happy that we got so far. =)
Anyway, I just drawn up my revision timetable for this 4 weeks, and I realised if i were to complete revision before BT, I need to start right now (and all the remaining days of the holiday). Siannn
This holiday is gonna suck. Blog another day. muacks.