I work 5 days a week
>> Sunday, February 21, 2010
Decided to blog during this pointless weekend.
I haven't written an entry for so long that I got so reluctant to post anything thinking about how long my entry will be if I were to try to fill the 6 months gap. Therefore I shall forget about those and start anew.
Been working for around 1.5 months. Work is simple. Location is far. Pay is low. Company is great. The people company, not the company company, not saying the company company is bad though.
Really grateful to jun yu and my luck for getting this job. Although I could have went for the jobs I applied which are much nearer to my home had I not sign the contract, I gotta say this job had been a really good experience.
2 months back I was still procrastinating. I didn't know what to expect on my first job, although I really wanted to take this chance and gain some working exposure. But what if my superiors bully me? Who will I be having lunch with? How will my colleagues be like?
But everything turned out well in the end. Everything was unbelievably smooth and easy and everyone treated us so well. I probably won't be lucky enough to get another job like this. So it would be ironic that I am not planning to continue the job after my contract ends.
Main reason is that the job has gotten monotonous and probably whats keeping us going is the enjoyment we derive from making fun of a particular colleague. Lol. Side note: I realise whatever I wrote sounded so serious and boring if I write using correct English sentence structure and don't interject 'lol' and 'haha' in between sentences like I always do. lol.
Other than that... the pay is pretty low? Especially after CPF deductions and food and transport, its only slightly better than my NS allowance. And talking about transport, the 1-hour journey to-and-fro everyday to Raffles Place is damn tiring. I rarely get a seat, and when I do, I always feel so guilty considering how young and fit and healthy I APPEAR to others. :) Ok I am indeed pretty young and healthy... but I am weary early in the morning and exhausted after a long day work so why am I not entitled a seat?! I think any tired person have the right (or 'priority' as they say it) to a seat as much as a pregnant and elderly person. So you probably have a pretty good chance that someone will give up their seat for you if you are pregnant or elderly AND look tired.
I think its a major misconception people have that people who feign to be sleeping are so selfish and are trying to act like they didn't see the ah peh/ah po in front. I believe anyone who have tried this knows it is too stressful to do so because for the whole journey you have to force yourself to fall asleep. If you even open your eyes for a split second you are bound to spot the ah peh/ah po and THATS IT! YOU SAW HIM! The real reason I ever sleep on a seat is simply because I am honestly tired. Sad thing is there are just too much people spoiling the market by pretending that they are tired. =(
Having said all these, I always scan around me for old uncle and aunties when I get a seat for fear of being posted on STOMP. But my criteria for anyone who deserves my seat is pretty strict. Old but still looks fit and healthy. Nope. Standing is good exercise. Old but looks young. Nope. Don't want to hurt your self-esteem. Old but carries an LV bag. Nope. So rich why don't take taxi. Old but using an iPhone. Nope. You made me jealous. Old and frail and shaking. Ah... fine fine fine.
But I don't deny the fact that working at Raffles Place made the superficial me feel so cool and woo-seh. Although I have the word 'Temp' written all over me wearing cheap G2000 clothes and a crumpler bag. Its still a sneak peek into the corporate world. Watching the groups of glum-looking executives facing the opposite door right after City Hall station looking so desperate to repeat their monotonous work for the day. Watching the mob of people queueing/squeezing for the escalator. Hello? Ever heard of this latest invention called Staircase? Walking through the morning rush of tik-tik-tok-tok of heels and leather shoes. Searching hard for tables at the hawker centre during lunch, see one empty from far, then realise there are packs of tissue paper/the sample facial foam they were giving out at the traffic light on the seats. It had been such an experience.
By the way, the suit/cufflinks/briefcase/bluetooth headset look plus working in the CBD combo certainly appeals more than the coverall/spanner/boots/greasy hands look plus working at Changi combo if I were to study engineering. lol.
Speaking about Uni courses, I am still considering whether to stay with my course. I am really fearful about aerospace, especially since I think that sciences are not my strength, though I don't really know where my strength lies. Probably languages, but be a reporter/journalist/teacher? Crazy. But why choose something that I have no confidence of doing well? Hmm... Decision decisions...
Time to iron my clothes for the week and probably do some exercise. I seriously need to start running regularly. I am finally gaining weight but I am afraid most of it is from my tummy because I still look skinny as hell.