>> Sunday, July 30, 2006
Recently, I received the invitation code to play AuditionSEA. I started yesterday and found it quite interesting. its actually dance dance revolution played on keyboard (yes.. i know you played such games before) but its actually quite hard.
basically you have to input up down left right and submit the sequence with a spacebar input every 4 beat. there are a range of songs, the slowest at 70+bpm and fastest i saw was 105bpm.
it tests your hand-eye coordination, reflex and music sense. If you are those tt never get on tune or cant count beats, you most probably will 慢半拍 or 慢很多拍 like me. however, after two days of practise, i am already quite pro. =D
it actually feels good to have people praising you pro and you are good. HeEHHE.. I feel like a dancing king! (although its just pressing up down left right)
in-game video.
It will be on open beta soon i hope. =)
Anw, I went for my brother's graduation at NTU on wednesday. I ponned CT session and rush down to NTU.
NTU is a freaking ulu place to get to. And the new temporary bus interchange at Boon Lay pissed me off. I had to walk one whole round to reach the other side where the bus queue is.
It not that i want to complain you see.. I am young and strong and i can walk. But cant they have a thought for the old people? What if the old people walk halfway fall down? Or they walk halfway see their bus come and run for their bus and fall down? Some people are just so inconsiderate. tsk tsk.
Btw, there was lots of people at the graduation ceremony (or Convocation 2006, the event name <- more high class) And it was just a part of all the graduants in the 5 day event. Just makes me see how insignificant you are even though you graduated.
I realised an interesting trend among the graduants - there was few females. I think and analyse and evaluate and ponder why. I had wanted to conclude that it was due to the universally accepted but highly controversial fact that guys are more ****** and girls are, sadly, more ******. Then i realise why.
its engineering degree!
So i learnt not to jump into conclusion.
And never to study engineering. =)
My brother had studied for 4 years in NTU in the engineering course. He studies sound or speech or whatever. Now he is already employed by DSO Singapore, working on speech reconition or something. So here it is, my happy brother:
er, the left one.
after the event, he said he 笑到嘴巴酸
The ceremony was long and listening to professors holding speech is,.. sleep-inducing. All of them wear specs and have 10% of hair remaining and looks haggard. After my brother went on stage, i fell asleep. I woke up when the audience applaused extremely loud for the last recipient.
4 years of hardwork, just for this moment.
After that was reception at this cool-looking building. It was the convocation party. The emcee was a young and pretty girl but her english was "破坏一切".
"Plise take a glass (it was plastic cup btw) of drink if you have not... Conglatulasions! you all have made it! you all disurf a round of applosss!!"
*proceed to clap enthusiastically*
she apparently came from China. but it was quite cute actually. lol.
hurray! we made it. we get to be work slaves now~
My brother is behind the photographer which is my brother's girlfriend's father. Obviously i din get the best shot for photos.
I tell you, the point of holding a graduation ceremony is not to receive your diploma, but to TAKE PHOTOS. My brother's girlfriend dad was a photographer and he kindly helped to take photographs of the whole event. And we basically took photo everywhere my brother went. Before the ceremony, with friends, with professor, with family, with other friends and their family, in front of a tree, in front of the banner, sitting on the grass, in front of a huge stone, on the stairs, EVERYWHERE. And its not just for 纪念 you know, its to prove that you really graduated and the degree is for real, not downloaded and printed out.
There was lots of places for photo-taking. It was quite a cheerful and jubilant scene.
im not a paedophile. the little boys was cute though.
I have to go and do my tutorials, EOM, PW already.
So i get to graduate like my brother.
Life is a shithole, remember? Bye.