>> Friday, October 06, 2006
Somehow, I have forgotten how to wake up at 615 and leave home at 630 for school, which is already very late. Because during promos, everyday left home at 7, and now i just want to sleep in my warm bed till 7 everyday.
Later buses are good. I get to sit. :)
But somehow i dont know why, more malay students go to school at this time. And these malay students are, you know, usually, not quiet. They laugh very loud, talk very loud, and say words like "sia lah", "brother", "relac" very loud.
And recently, more and more of them i see, think they are singapore idol like taufik batisah or hady mirza. they sing so loud at the back of bus and dun feel paiseh at all.
and not like they sing until very nice like that.
Anyway anyway, festival of sports in school for the past 2 days was fun!
Yesterday, played frisbee and volleyball, and almost hoola hoop. lol
I realise i was so smart. Serene and huixin was dragging people for the hoola hoop to lose and gain some participation points. Hoola hoop is the lamest sports for the whole fos lah. And i think its damn funny when people start shaking in an erotic fashion when the whistle blows. Anw, Maodun and me decided to help (reluctantly)
Serene went. 1,2. plop! lost.
Huixin went. 1,2. plop! lost.
Then left me and maodun. muahaha i pushed Maodun in because i was shy :). Then immediately after pushing him in, i realise: If he lose too, then i wont have to shake anymore!
So, maodun went. 1,2. plop! lost. and everything is lost!
And i walked off.
Today, played a while of tennis with jaryll, cherngchu, austin and martin. First time play tennis, and damn, it was hard. lol..
And there was more volleyball since everything ends today. We won 60, 6C (yutseyutse), but we lost to 62 in the semifinals. =/ I made some really stupid mistake cause the menacing Winston was making me nervous. Ahh blamed myself for those points lost. And changboon you must have had a part in making me and everyone so nervous. wahpiang. haha.
Quite disappointed but hmm nvm, at least Athena won the top three positions, despite having almost all-athenians officials. (despite? haha) And even Biqing joined the game. Her serving was good, even better than mine i believe. I mean the passing rate. Hahaa...
And almost the whole class was supporting for all our games. It was a good thing. Despite losing games, everyone had fun and was really united. Very very nice. And Athena won champs for frisbee and hoola hoop, and 3 positions in vball. Woohoo, i think we got chance.
Man, i really hope Apollo don't win, putting FOS champs in their msn nick is so,...
damnyouknngoanddie la.
I am damn tired now. Shall sleep.