go go go!
>> Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Every morning, I see these 2 sisters with their mummy at my bus stop.
They are from SCGS. And going to SCGS from Ulu Woodlands can take very long. Ya la my school is also very far, but one of them is like only Pri 1 judging from her size, and her sister probably Pri 6. My primary school was like 30 seconds away from my house. So I thought, hmm another kiasu mother.
I have seen them for like 1-2 years already. At first, I thought they were cute little girls. (in a non-paedophilic and non-pervertic way) Then,.. they began to transform.
Transformers! more than meets the eye!
They started wearing big thick specs. Very young only leh. The little girl's specs is like bigger than her face. And her elder sister started having crossed eyes/cock eye, aka the nerdy look.
Oh man, I was thinking, they are so young only, and everyday they have to wake up at 5+ to go to school at some faraway place and at there, they have to compete with all the other muggers-to-be. Who knows what other piano, ballet, yoga, pole-dancing lessons they may also be attending. 没有童年 de lor.
So poor thing...
Ehrm. Ok, so the moral of this story is:...
Some people are destined to waste spend their life mugging. While I only need to mug for 3 more months! Forget about the 1.5years I wasted, this is the final lap.
I don't want to regret. I cannot let my fearful dreams come true.
I will not be contented with "I did my best", because 'my best' is nothing less than The Best. Prove people wrong, and prove myself and others who have faith in me that I can do it. :)
Go rife, go go go!