
>> Monday, December 24, 2007

Aw I like my life now. I can spend all the time doing whatever i want. I finally finished Dexter Season 2, and its the best! But now that there is no Season 3 yet i will have to start on another show... Maybe I can finish my movie collection which is eating so much disk space!

It feels good to have total control of time. Just that i cant slow it down... because enlistment is in less than 3 weeks. sooooo siannn.... Don't really want to end my wasted life so fast...

Heard many different stories on NS, the 2 extremes.. and i have to admit i am quite worried about enlistment. I can act all garang and say "come on man! i am all ready for NS! bu yong pa!" But the fact is, i mean.. i always disliked a change in environment. who doesnt?

And there is also the worry that i will suffer from serious homesickness, or my sergeant will be a very evil man, or i will die from the intensive training, or my pimples will get worse, or attacked by gay bunkmates, or pierce myself to death with the bayonet, or.... the list goes on.

And I can be really antisocial in a new group of strangers.. Same when i first entered sec sch and jc. I dont go up to someone to make friend, or niao them like i do with maodun. but luckily most of the time, 顺其自然 i find myself surrounded by friends and people who care eventually. I think its because I can be a really loving person when ppl get to know me. hee hee hee so bhb. ;p

Shall start getting the stuffs for NS, and go for runs when my nose is no longer blocked. Most probably going to signup a new mobile line and i want to get nice nice number!

So now, im off to enjoy my remaining freedom. =]