its a new chapter

>> Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Haven't been blogging for a long long time.

It will be stupid to say that I have nothing to write about. In fact, I have been thinking a lot and have so much to say. I just find it hard to write it out. You dunno how many times I typed halfway and decided to close the window instead. -_- So all the thoughts just accumulate inside me and eventually disappear. How nice it would be if there was another 'me' who would understand exactly what i am thinking and feeling.

Haven't really been 'busy' for the past 2 months, but not exactly free either. Went to malaysia, went out with classmates and friends and slept over at rifeng's house for the nth time. haha.. I think i should treasure my time at home more now. :/

Anyway there was christmas, and then the new year came. It feels good to receive well wishes, to know that you have been thought of. Thanks for the christmas and new year cards and wishes, and the repeated consolation that i look like shit but have a heart of gold.

Btw, I am feeling so lost. Everyone seems to have a plan in mind while i am just living in the present and letting whatever comes lead me.

Maybe i shall set some resolutions for myself for 2008. :) I shall:

1. be nicer to people around me which includes niaoing ppl less because i am starting to realise how much it can hurt sometimes. haha.
2. control my temper and treat my family nicer
3. survive in army
4. clear my acne
5. fatten up.. nono, should be 'fitten' up
6. be more confident in myself (after achieving 4. and 5.)
7. know more friends and keep in contact with the 'old' ones
8. earn/save alot of money and buy alot of new things!
9. get a direction in life
10. be myself
11. enjoy life till the next countdown!

Haha.. Fine im tired already. I'm so stupid to screw my body clock again few days before NS. I realise I still need to get mundane items like goggles, alarm clock and a cheapskate watch. Blog again next time and good luck to those enlisting today and tomorrow!