My Room My Life

>> Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hihi people! Woke up at 2pm today. Must seize the last opportunity to sleep till so late! Time really flies and im gonna be in tekong tomorrow waiting to be drowned to death by officers. (choy!)

So for my last day of civilisation, I decided to do my last preparation and packing and to tidy up my room. There is gonna be PHOTOS for this post! Bright and colourful photos because I decided to secretly kope my bro's cam. Hahaha ya I am one of those irritating brothers that just love to kajiao his siblings stuffs.

First and foremost, lets take a look at my room. Very rare photo of my room because I rarely invite people to my house.


Firstly, don't laugh at my bear-bearish bedsheet. I din really make the choice you see. Also, pink curtains were chosen by my mama to match the ones in the master bedroom. The BIG table and cabinet is passed on from my parents' old master bedroom furnitures. I hate it. I want to change it asap.

And obviously my room isn't so neat all the time. The big tabletop is a very very attractive spot for me to throw my bags and books and wallet and every other linglinglonglongs (lol quote rifeng). Which means my mother will be yelling at me to clear them up every so often whenever she is bored. Sigh, mothers.

But luckily I can't stand untidiness and dusty places too. And i like to organise my stuffs. Don't believe it? See!

Heeheehee. The 4 files at the bottom level from the shades of black to white corresponds to the 4 different subjects PCME. All the notes and tutorials have been punctured and reinforced then arranged by topics and filed into each file. So i never had any problems finding my notes. Wahaha, no one can match.

Now that you all got an overview, we can zoom in to the different spots!

A closer look at my bed and my newly installed ikea mirror that let me have a full view of my long long body. That wolf/lamb on my bed was given by yutse recently. :) I like it because it happens to match my new handphone number, 96535262 or wolf-lamb, which is like 'the wolf in lamb's clothings'. Muahaha so nice.

Now, lets pan in to another spot. My personal room surround system!

Ok, trying to be... Its a good alternative for listening to music when i am tired of earphones. :)

Then we walk a few steps to another one of my favourite spot in the room.

Huh, whats that?? That, that, that.... is the hamster tank!

Sigh, truth to be told, after my parents, bed, ipod, computer, toilet bowl, the next thing I am most worried about when i enter NS will be my pair of hamsters. :(

No matter what, I watched them grow from babies to adults. I shower them with love and care, making sure they have the best meals and the best living environment. I enrol them into the most prestigious school, send them to music and dance schools, read them bedtime stories every night and listen to them talk about all the problems they encountered at places like the food bowl, toilet, running wheel and their little hamhead. I never wanted anything in return. And now, they are already in their middle-age...

Hahaha... I admit I have been spending less time with them now, but I still regularly clean and disinfect their tank to make sure they don't fall sick. For hamsters, sick=death.

They like to stand on top of the toilet, and then fall head down into the hole behind it and have to wriggle out of it. Lol, i think they are desperate to escape from the tank.

Run run run, run everyday...

Eat eat eat, eat everyday....

And here is some uncensored material...

Omg! Hamster porn!!! Clearly you can see that 'it' is a she because she has no balls. In fact, both of them are girls. Some people have been cursing me for depriving them of a healthy sex life and some recommend that I introduce some hunky male hamsters to them. Truth is, the mating and separation and taking care of the babies and recuperating mum requires much time and money and effort. If I am gonna let them mate i gonna be a responsible breeder, unlike those who just let them multiply and inbreed like rats. In any case, introducing male hamsters now will only make them fight.

See, I am a good breeder. But im considering getting a pair of different gender ones next time, because the babies are so cute. Hahaha.

Ok, thats it! Now its time for me to get some more stuffs for my NS and finally pack. Have to get envelopes to mail the DVDs out too.

Enlisting tomorrow 11/1 at 1pm at School 1. Wish me luck and blog again soon. Bye guys. =]