
>> Sunday, January 27, 2008

Today is my book-in day, book-in~ book-in~ :(

Before i know it i am going to book in tonight!

Ahh i would really like to blog about the 2 weeks confinement, but i only have 48 hours.

In short, army is just like what everyone says. There are many rules to follow, there are the kaobeh and the nice commanders, there is an uncontrolled use of vulgarities (even the nerdiest and cultured looking guy wont be able to resist the urge to use it too), there is nice food every meal, the training can be tough and tiring but there is also time for us to rest and interact with out mates. Basically we just have to try to follow all orders and do our best for trainings while balancing the urge to slack. :)

There is so much to blog about but i am lazy to talk about it already. :( I have to sleep... Blog another day!